
Amanpreet Singh


Are you excited to buy a new chess set? What’s confusing? You may be finding it hard to decide between a Lacquer chess set and a Buff Polish chess set.

So which one should you opt for?

Easy! Toss a coin, and there you go!

Don’t want to go with this solution? There’s another way. This blog!

Read to discover all the important details about the two chess sets and how they differ from each other.

Let’s make the opening move.

Lacquer Chess Set Vs Buff Polish Chess Set – Understanding the Difference

Lacquer chess sets are crafted by applying a glossy protective coating called lacquer, which not only enhances their appearance but also shields them from damage. This modern technique ensures durability and a sleek finish. In contrast, buff polish chess sets achieve their shine through manual polishing methods, giving them a more traditional and artisanal look.

While both types offer aesthetic appeal, lacquer sets prioritize durability, while buff polish sets emphasize craftsmanship and may require more delicate handling.

Lacquer Chess Sets – A Durable Choice

Lacquer chess sets are crafted using a specific finishing technique that involves the application of lacquer, a type of paint, onto the surface of the chess pieces and boards. This process creates a protective and glossy coating that enhances the appearance and durability of the set.

Lacquer is a clear or coloured varnish that is often applied as a protective coating on various surfaces, including wood, metal, and plastic. In the case of lacquer chess sets, this finishing technique involves spraying a lacquer solution onto the surface of the chess pieces and boards.

The application of lacquer serves multiple purposes in chess set manufacturing. Firstly, it adds a glossy finish to the pieces, giving them a polished and professional appearance. This glossy surface enhances the aesthetic appeal of the chess set, making it visually pleasing to players and collectors alike.

Additionally, lacquer acts as a protective layer, safeguarding the chess pieces and boards from damage caused by moisture, scratches, and general wear and tear. This protective coating helps preserve the quality and longevity of the chess set, ensuring that it remains in pristine condition for years to come.

Lacquer chess sets are available in a variety of finishes, ranging from matte to high gloss, allowing players to choose a style that best suits their preferences. Whether you prefer a sleek and modern design or a more traditional look, there is a lacquer chess set to match every taste.

Buff Polish Chess Sets – High Aesthetic Appeal

Buff polish is a technique used to enhance the appearance of chess pieces and boards by applying a smooth and shiny finish. This method involves using a specialized machine, typically equipped with a wheel for buffing, to achieve the desired polish.

The Buff polish chess sets are crafted using the specialized polishing technique known as wheel buffing, which imparts a smooth and shiny finish to the chess pieces and boards.

These chess sets undergo a meticulous finishing process that involves the application of a smooth and glossy surface using wheel buffing techniques. Unlike lacquer coating, which employs sprayed-on protective layers, buff polish relies on mechanical polishing to achieve its desired effect.

The interaction between the rotating buffing wheel and the chess pieces or boards results in the gradual refinement of their surfaces, culminating in a smooth and shiny finish. This polishing process enhances the aesthetic appeal of the chess set, giving it a timeless elegance that resonates with enthusiasts of traditional craftsmanship.

Buff Polish chess sets are characterized by their classic and artisanal appearance, reflecting the skill and attention to detail invested in their creation. While the buff polish technique may require more time and expertise compared to lacquer coating, it offers a distinctive charm and sophistication that appeals to collectors and players alike.

Now that we’ve explored the essence of buff polish and its application in crafting chess sets, let’s delve into the basic procedure of buff polish to understand how this technique brings out the shine in each piece.

Basic Procedure of Buff Polish

Buff polishing is a meticulous process that involves several steps to achieve the desired smooth and shiny finish on chess pieces and boards. Here’s a breakdown of the basic procedure:

Application of Luster:

Applying luster on chess piece

The first step in the buff polishing process involves applying a compound called Luster onto the surface of the buffing wheel. This compound serves as a polishing agent, helping to smooth out imperfections and enhance the shine of the material.

Preparation for Polishing:

Preparing chess piece for polish

Once the Luster compound is applied, the chess pieces and boards are ready to undergo the polishing process. They are placed onto a specialized machine, as shown in the provided screenshot, which is equipped with a buffing wheel for polishing.

Polishing with Specialized Machine:

Polishing with Specialized Machine

With the pieces and boards secured in place, the specialized machine is activated, causing the buffing wheel to rotate at high speeds. As the pieces come into contact with the rotating wheel, friction is generated, gradually polishing the surface to a smooth and shiny finish.

Finishing Touches: Throughout the polishing process, care is taken to ensure that each piece receives uniform treatment, resulting in a consistent shine across the entire chess set. Once the desired level of polish is achieved, the pieces are carefully removed from the machine and inspected for quality.

By following this basic procedure of buff polish, artisans are able to transform raw materials into exquisite chess sets that boast a radiant finish and timeless appeal.

Differentiating Points between Lacquer Chess Sets and Buff Polish Chess Sets

Finishing Technique

  • Lacquer Chess Sets: Lacquer chess sets utilize a spraying technique to apply a protective coating of lacquer onto the surface of the pieces and boards.
  • Buff Polish Chess Sets: Buff Polish chess sets are crafted using mechanical polishing methods, typically employing a specialized machine with a buffing wheel to achieve a smooth and shiny finish.


  • Lacquer Chess Sets: Lacquer sets have a glossy finish that enhances the visual appeal of the pieces, giving them a sleek and modern appearance. For more detailed information on how lacquered chess set actually appear, please see the attached image – Figure 1.0 : Lacquer polished appearance
    Appearance of Lacquer polished chess pieces
    Figure 1.0 : Lacquer polished appearance
  • Buff Polish Chess Sets: Buff Polish sets exude a more traditional aesthetic, characterized by a smooth and lustrous surface achieved through manual polishing techniques. For more detailed information on how buff polished chess set actually appear, please see the attached image – Figure 2.0 : Buff polish chess sets
    Appearance of Buff polished chess pieces
    Figure 2.0 : Buff polish chess sets


  • Lacquer Chess Sets: The lacquer coating provides a protective layer that shields the chess set from moisture, scratches, and general wear and tear, enhancing its durability.
  • Buff Polish Chess Sets: While buff polish enhances the appearance of the set, it may not offer the same level of protection against damage as lacquer, making it potentially less durable.


  • Lacquer Chess Sets: Lacquer sets emphasize a modern finishing technique that prioritizes efficiency and consistency in production.
  • Buff Polish Chess Sets: Buff Polish sets to highlight traditional craftsmanship, showcasing the skill and attention to detail required to achieve a smooth and shiny finish through manual polishing methods.

Aesthetic Preference

  • Lacquer Chess Sets: Ideal for those who prefer a sleek and contemporary look for their chess set.
  • Buff Polish Chess Sets: Suited for enthusiasts who appreciate the timeless elegance and artisanal charm of hand-polished finishes.

Having explored the distinguishing features between lacquer and buff polish chess sets, you likely have a clearer understanding of the factors influencing your choice.

Which One Should You Opt For?

Deciding between a lacquer chess set and a buff polish chess set boils down to personal preference. While lacquer sets offer a sleek and modern aesthetic with enhanced durability, buff polish sets exude a classic charm and craftsmanship. Ultimately, it’s a matter of individual taste and priorities, whether you lean towards the contemporary allure of lacquer or the timeless elegance of buff polish.

So, each option offers its unique characteristics, catering to different tastes and priorities. And for whichever option you choose, Chessbazaar is the best online store to buy chess sets.

Buy Best Chess Sets of All Types – Chessbazaar

For any option you decide to go with, Chessbazaar stands out as the premier online destination for purchasing chess sets. Offering an extensive range of high-quality sets, Chessbazaar caters to all preferences and styles, whether you’re seeking lacquer, buff polish, or any other type of chess set.

With its commitment to excellence in craftsmanship and customer satisfaction, Chessbazaar ensures that you’ll find the perfect set to complement your playing style and aesthetic preferences.

So why wait?

Explore our collection today and elevate your chess experience with the best sets available online. Visit Chessbazaar now to find the best chess sets of all types!

Wood is typically the best and most popular material for chess boards. Wooden chess boards are considered of high quality and durable and are known to add royalty to the game. You are probably here to find out more about wooden chess boards and why they make the best first choice for chess players.

So, let’s begin with this interesting pursuit.

Wooden Chess Boards – Exceptionally Premium

When talking about luxury, wood is the first material that comes to your mind. It is because wooden-crafted items hold every characteristic of elegance and sophistication.

And it is the same reason why wooden chess boards are considered an exquisite choice for chess players. Wooden chess boards exude a timeless allure that transcends generations. Crafted from the finest woods, these boards boast intricate detailing and impeccable craftsmanship, making each piece a work of art in its own right.

The natural grain and texture of the wood lend a sense of warmth and richness to the playing experience, elevating it to a level beyond mere competition. Whether it’s the smoothness of maple, the depth of walnut, or the richness of mahogany, each wood brings its unique character to the chessboard, creating a visually stunning backdrop for the battle of minds.

“A beautiful chess set can inspire you to play great chess.”

So, having a wooden chess board holds a lot of benefits for chess players and enthusiasts.

The Historical Charm of Wooden Chess Boards

Wooden chess boards hold a timeless allure, embodying centuries of history and tradition. From their origins in ancient India, wooden chess boards have played a big role in the cultural narrative of chess.

These boards continue to captivate enthusiasts with their elegance and sophistication, serving as both functional game boards and cherished pieces of art that bridge the gap between past and present.

How Wooden Chess Boards Add Royalty to the Game?

Wooden chess boards add a royal touch to the game, making it not just a game but an experience. Crafted from high-quality woods like walnut, maple, ebony, and rosewood, these boards are more than playing surfaces; they are works of art. The craftsmanship seen in the detailed carvings and the glossy finish is reminiscent of the fine artistry found in royal palaces.

The beauty of these boards enhances the chess-playing experience. Their classic appearance, combined with the substantial feel and smoothness of the pieces moving across the board, elevates the game to a new level of enjoyment. Having a wooden chess set in your home is not just about playing a game; it’s a statement of elegance and an appreciation for the finer things in life, bringing a touch of sophistication to your living space.

Wooden chess boards are more than just beautiful objects; they are symbols of tradition and heritage. They connect players to the game’s rich history, once played and enjoyed by royalty, and now accessible to everyone. In this way, these boards keep the game’s noble spirit alive, offering a unique blend of cultural significance and timeless beauty.

But the Importance of Wooden chess boards Lies Above Their Aesthetics.

More Reasons to Choose Wooden Chess Boards

“Wooden chess boards have an enduring quality that mirrors the timeless nature of the game itself.”

Wooden chess boards are not just about aesthetics; they also offer exceptional durability and longevity. Unlike their plastic or cardboard counterparts, wooden boards age gracefully, leading to the development of a patina that tells the story of countless games played and victories won.

  • Durability and Longevity: Unlike plastic or cardboard sets that may wear out over time, wooden chess boards are popular for their durability. With proper care, a high-quality wooden set can last for generations, becoming a cherished heirloom passed down through the family.
  • Tactile Pleasure: Playing with wooden chess pieces offers a satisfying tactile experience that enhances the enjoyment of the game. The weight and feel of the wooden pieces in hand add a sense of substance and authenticity to each move, making the game more immersive and engaging.
  • Variety of Wood Choices: Wooden chess boards are available in different wood types, and each set carries its unique characteristics and beauty. Whether you prefer the rich hues of mahogany, the deep tones of walnut, or the lightness of maple, there is a wooden chess set to suit every taste and preference.
  • Artisan Craftsmanship: Many wooden chess boards are crafted by skilled artisans. From hand-carved pieces to intricately detailed boards, wooden chess boards showcase the dedication and skill of the artisans, adding an extra layer of value and appreciation to the game.
  • Elegance and Aesthetic Appeal: Wooden chess boards exude a classic elegance and sophistication that other materials cannot replicate. The texture and natural grain of wood lend a sense of warmth and beauty to the board, making it a visually appealing addition to any space.

I want to buy a wooden chess set but am confused about which wood quality to choose.

Well, provided the variety of wood chess boards available in the market, it is obvious to have doubts while buying one.

In the following section, you will find about the different wood qualities that are popularly used for making chess boards.

Different Wood Used for Making chess boards

When selecting a chessboard, understanding the qualities of different types of wood is essential to making an informed decision. Each wood variety brings its unique characteristics, ranging from grain pattern to color and longevity.

Here are the top-quality wood types used for making chess boards –

Maple Wood Chess Boards:

Maple Wood Chess Boards stand out for their exceptional smoothness and their naturally light color, which highlights the playing field with clarity. Known for their robustness, these chess boards promise enduring stability and resilience against the rigors of frequent gameplay. The workability of maple wood enables artisans to infuse the boards with intricate designs and patterns, making each piece a unique work of art. The bright backdrop provided by maple enhances the contrast with chess pieces, ensuring optimal visibility and contributing to a more enjoyable game.

Durable, visually appealing, and practical, Maple Wood Chess Boards are a favorite among players who appreciate quality and aesthetic beauty in equal measure.

Walnut Wood Chess Boards:

Walnut Wood Chess Boards are distinguished by their luxurious dark color and unique, captivating grain patterns, bringing an element of sophistication to the chess experience. These boards are renowned for their exceptional durability, capable of maintaining their aesthetic appeal and structural integrity through years of gameplay. The rich, deep tones of walnut offer a stunning contrast to lighter chess pieces, making every match not only a mental challenge but also a feast for the eyes.

Walnut Wood Chess Boards merge beauty with functionality, making them a sought-after choice for those who value a premium playing experience.

Mahogany Wood Chess Boards:

Mahogany Wood Chess Boards exude elegance and class with their deep reddish-brown hues and seamlessly smooth texture. Beyond their visual appeal, these boards are celebrated for their lasting durability, able to preserve their lustrous finish and strength over time. The inviting warmth of mahogany enriches the playing atmosphere, turning each game into a luxurious event.

Renowned for their fine craftsmanship and timeless beauty, Mahogany Wood Chess Boards are coveted by enthusiasts and collectors who desire a touch of sophistication in their chess collection.

Rosewood Chess Boards:

Rosewood Chess Boards are highly prized for their exotic beauty, characterized by vibrant color variations and intricate grain patterns. The resilience of rosewood ensures that these chess boards stand the test of time, remaining in impeccable condition for years. The natural allure and complexity of rosewood grains make the chessboard itself a captivating spectacle, enhancing the aesthetic pleasure of the game.

For discerning players and collectors looking for an extraordinary chess experience, Rosewood Chess Boards offer unparalleled elegance and quality.

But proper care is still essential to make sure your wooden chess board and pieces can be played with for years to come. By following these guidelines and incorporating good habits into your chess-playing routine, you can prolong the life and beauty of your cherished set.

Related Reading: 6 Tips to Choose the Best Chess Board for Your Need

Tips to make your Wooden Chess Board Last Longer

Proper Handling:
Handle wooden chess boards with care to maintain their integrity. Keep hands clean to prevent transferring dirt and oils. Lift pieces gently to avoid scratching. Store chess boards and pieces in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and humidity.

Dos and Don’ts:
Designate a specific playing area and inspect boards regularly for wear. Avoid placing heavy objects or liquids directly on boards to prevent damage.

Properly laying the board:
Ensure a clean, stable table surface and use a protective pad underneath to prevent scratches. Avoid exposing boards to extreme temperatures or moisture.

Specialized Care:
Consult artisans for maintenance and repairs, avoiding harsh chemicals. Use gentle cleaning methods with soft cloths and wood-specific products. For further help, visit here.

Wooden Chess Board care at house

Discover Your Perfect Wooden Chess Board at Chessbazaar

Chessbazaar is your go-to destination for an exquisite selection of wooden chess boards, crafted from the finest woods. Offering a range from the timeless Staunton to beautifully detailed tournament-ready boards, Chessbazaar has everything you need to enhance your chess-playing sessions.

Dedicated to exceeding customer expectations, Chessbazaar is committed to delivering chess board that not only meet but surpass the highest quality standards in craftsmanship and durability. Explore our exceptional collection of wooden chess boards and find the best match for your chess adventures today.

When we pronounce antique and vintage chess sets, it seems these are the generic ones. But when we dig numerous aspects emerge, revealing the depth associated with both antique and vintage chess sets.

So, it’s great to have a little understanding of why those chess sets are called Antique and Vintage.

Antique and vintage chess sets refer to chess sets that are old or have historical significance. Here’s a insight on both the terms:

Any item that is over 100 years old, considered an antique. Therefore, antique chess sets are those that were made at least a century ago. They may also have historical importance or cultural value. Some sets might be associated with a specific time period, region, prominent personality or notable chess events.

On the other hand Vintage Chess Sets refers to items that are minimum 20 years old but less than 100 years old. Mean to say is that, vintage sets are those that are considered old but haven’t reached the antique status yet. These sets might be collected for their appealing design, craftsmanship, or the materials used in their production. Some vintage sets may also have limited availability or be representative of a particular era in design.

Both antique and vintage chess sets can be highly sought after by passionate collectors and enthusiasts. These sets can vary widely in terms of materials, craftsmanship, and design. Some may be made of valuable materials like ivory or rare woods, while others might be crafted with intricate detailing.

Chessbazaar offers the chess lovers a fantastic series of antique and vintage chess sets. Serious chess players or chess lovers are very possessive about their chess sets and while playing, they get into this hobby of collecting chess sets and do everything to satisfy their desire of having all the antique and vintage chess sets in the world. Though it is impossible to collect everything in the world, even if from a small field. And also the high prices of these antique chess sets abstain the chess lovers to buy their dream chess set. Chessbazaar offers you a wide collection of reproduced antique and vintage chess sets at the most reasonable price in the world. Here is a small account of our collection of antique chess sets and vintage chess sets

Reproduced French lardy Chess Sets

Reproduced French lardy Chess Sets

The famous France based chess piece manufacturer “Lardy” was situated in Dortan, Oyonnax in the French Jura. Lardy was the only company which revolutionized the whole chess set industry with their affordable prices & excellent chess set quality. The material which was mostly used by the lardy company is Jura boxwood, but maple and softwoods were also used by the French based giant. There’s nothing fancy about this chess set but it has a traditional Staunton look which serious chess players admire for regular play.

1950 Dubrovnik Chess Set

1950 Dubrovnik Chess Set

1950 Dubrovnik chess set was first seen in the 9th Chess Olympiad organized by the FIDE and the government of Yugoslavia. The Olympiad was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia between August 20 and September 11, 1950. This chess set used to be the favorite chess set of the greatest chess player of all time, Bobby Fischer. This chess set was designed without any religious symbols, without the king crown or bishop mitres. The pieces were designed for play and had wide bases and the pieces required a chess board with minimum 55 mm squares.

Reproduced Russian (Soviet Era) Series Chess Set in Ebonized Boxwood & Natural Boxwood

Reproduced Russian (Soviet Era) Series Chess Set in Ebonized Boxwood & Natural Boxwood

Chess is one of the most popular games in the Soviet Union and there is one interesting fact that most of the world chess champions were citizens of the Soviet Union. Period from 1993 to 2000 the world chess champions were almost Russians. From the early days chess has been a central feature of Russian history and culture from the middle ages onwards, resulting in a great variety of chess sets from various times and zones. Chess is considered one of the most interesting, exciting and educational games in Soviet. Now a day’s Russians also use chess as a training concentration, attention and learn to think.

Reproduced 1849 Original Staunton Pattern Chess Pieces in Lacquer Finished Painted Crimson & Ivory White

Reproduced 1849 Original Staunton Pattern Chess Pieces in Lacquer Finished Painted Crimson & Ivory White

Chessbazaar proudly present the grand chess set. The original 1849 antique chess sets are selling at thousands of dollars a set but that is not every what every chess collector can spend on a hobby. Chessbazaar worked closely to take out this repro design so that every chess enthusiast can buy and admire the beauty of this chess set.

Reproduced 1851 Morphy Chess Pieces Only V2.0 in Ebony and Antiqued Box wood with King Side Stamping

After the tremendous success of our reproduction of 1849 Staunton chess set, chessbazaar proudly presents the sequel of 1849 Staunton Chess Set, the reproduction of 1851 Staunton Pattern Chess Set with “Morphy” knights. The Morphy knights have a pronounced jowls as compared to other designs of knights. The dark pieces are made in ebony wood and the lighter pieces in antiqued box wood. The king in the set is 4.4″ high and the set comes with 34 pieces including 2 extra queens. A rook and a knight in each side comes with king side stamping which was a norm with staunton chess sets at that time. All the pieces are heavily weighted which gives them extra stability on the chess board and feels good to hold and play with them. Thick green felt has been fixed on the base of the pieces which protects the board, controls noise while playing and looks classy on the rim of the base of pieces. The box wood has been given antiqued finish by a special secret process which makes the set look like an original time chess set.

Reproduced Antique Series Austrian Coffee House Old Vienna Chess Pieces in Dyed Box Wood

Reproduced Antique Series Austrian Coffee House Old Vienna Chess Pieces in Dyed Box Wood

Chessbazaar offering reproduction of Austrian Coffee House Old Vienna Chess Pieces. Pieces are made from Dyed Black Boxwood(Dark) and Boxwood(Light). The King proudly stands at 4.2 inches and its base is robust 1.6 inches. Chess pieces are expertly carved and weighted for fantastic hand-feel. Chess pieces have thick green felts which precisely envelops the base of each chessmen for smooth movement on the chess board.

Decorating you home with these most beautiful chess pieces, antique chess sets work as house-warming presents because they lend an old-world charm to the house. Even if the place is a state of the art living space, a beautiful antique chess set will make it home. Visitors to the house will appreciate such a beautiful presence among other modern amenities and décor. So keep collecting, decorating and enjoying your favourite game with the chessbazaar’s antique and vintage chess sets. 

Just imagine a fancy wooden chess set in your collection being praised by your friends and other home visitors! This thousand-year-old game is still collecting all the fame and immense passion from players across the globe. Using it as a decorative piece is a great idea when you are not playing with it. Those versatile styles and graceful designs have the capability to win hearts at first glance. However, you have to pick a unique chess set to gather those appreciation and awestruck expressions. So, let’s find out the prerequisites for selecting the best chess décor for your place.

Related Reading: Best Designer & Unique Chess Sets for Décor, Study, Home Office or Library

Different Type of Chess Set You Need to Consider

Wooden Chess Sets are Perfect as Chess Décor

With unmatchable elegance and a classic outlook, wooden chess sets are definitely the first choice of chess collectors. Among all the materials available for chess sets, wood is considered the most luxurious and there are numerous options for beautification. Wooden chess sets are often handcrafted and give a different vibe to the chess player. Moreover, it is durable and robust enough to last for decades. If you invest in a quality decorative chess set now, chances are high it will be there for generations. What are you waiting for intensify your chess interest with a decent-looking chess set for decoration purposes.

Are you Considering Marble Chess Sets?

Those natural veins and swirls of marble chess sets represent intrinsic beauty. It is meant for casual playing usually unlike wood, marble is not a common material to be used in making of chess tournament sets. The reason behind this low popularity is its fragility and acceptance as a standard material for antique and modern chess sets. These ornamental chess sets cannot be used as everyday chess-playing sets. However, if you are considering it strictly for decorative purposes, then they are quite good. So, make your choice accordingly.

Glass Chess Sets Will Serve Decorative Purpose Only

When people buy chess sets, they look forward to a great playing session. Despite being a chess collector of unique chess sets, the idea is to find a chess set that serves as a chess décor as well as can be used to play whenever wanted. No wonder that sheer glass chess sets look pretty and have their own irresistible charm. But it is often viewed as fragile chess sets that can easily be broken if fallen. Therefore, they are less considered as compared to wooden chess sets.

Buy Metal Chess Sets for Antique and Class Feel

Extraordinary strength that leads to exceptional durability is the mainstream feature of metal chess sets. These amazing pieces are not only beautiful but their antique elegance can win the hearts of a seasoned player who really knows chess well. They fall in love with the contemporary look and weighted feel of these antique chess sets and invest in them. Keeping them as a collection is a great idea as it is a representation of the finest craftsmanship worldwide. So, definitely metal proves to be a great material for chess sets as it has been used for numerous years.

Things to Keep in Mind While Choosing Chess Décor for Your Home

a.) Home style and Color

As per home style

First things first, since it is about adding to your home décor, then considering the style of your house is a must. Your plan should be to pick a chess décor that merges well with your home’s vibe. It can be a minimalist, traditional or modern house but there is a unique chess set to resonate with the surroundings to enhance a particular corner. Do not mismatch the color scheme in this regard as often the chess set is as per the demand of the collector but does not contrast with the ambiance of the space. Therefore, finding a suitable colour matters and this leads us to another important factor, the material of the chess set-

b.) Desired aesthetic and functionality

aesthetic and functionality

As discussed earlier about the variety of materials available in the chess sets, you need to stick to the one that is deemed most suitable as per your space. Metal can be sleek but fails to give the warmth of wood and some people might be seeking a contemporary touch of glass and on the other hand, it can be a marble chess set’s sophistication. All these factors make material selection quite versatile and must be done sensibly. Moving further, the design and artistry have to be blended with your lifestyle. This is one of the reasons why you will fall for a particular chess décor or chess pieces set in the first instance. So, understand your unique approach to selecting a chess set before finalizing, as there are myriad options like abstract art, intricate designing and detailing, and historical and antique chess sets.

c.) Size and proportion

Size and proportion

Once you make up your mind about where you wish to keep your new chess set, the next major step is to give attention to size and proportion. Yes, imagine an oversized antique chess set on a small coffee table. It will cover the entire space and will not let the table fulfill its purpose. In order to get a proper display, there have to be suitable proportions that will lead to appealing results. These chess sets are merely easy to buy to definitely demand some good care. You have to ensure to keep them organized with a display case or a decorative board to enhance their longevity. Quality craftsmanship is undoubtedly a deal that is needed to be kept safe and with royalty and every chess enthusiast will agree with us on this point.

What are the Popular Chess Set Trends Right Now?

a.) Unparalleled Level of Elegance

As the name suggests, this series is a collection of extraordinary chess pieces sets that can uplift the aesthetics of the selected corner in your space. If you have a refined taste and wish to undergo a unique experience of exquisite craftsmanship, then checking out the luxury series’ chess pieces is a must. Every piece is detailed and showcases an unparalleled level of elegance along with the high quality of distinct woods as a material. Not only the sophisticated chess pieces are available but their complementing chess boards are also there for you to check out. So, would you be keen to dive into this world of ultimate opulence?

b.) Personal Interest

There is a huge difference between being a chess enthusiast and understanding the history of this captivating ancient game. Popularly known as Shatranj back in time, still, its reproduced antique chess pieces set are high-sellers. Only rare chess enthusiasts can value these masterpieces due to their personal interest and are willing to invest in such a royalty. These are available in different colors and a variety of woods like Bud Rosewood, Ebony, and Sheesham. You can find the Reproduced Jacques Vintage Collection, and the European Vintage Repro Chess Collection, and Russian Vintage Collection and so on. Are you keen to keep these magnificently created reproduced chess sets at your place?

Most bought Unique Chess Sets Are:

Old 1959 Russian Zagreb Chess Set (Buy from here)

These finely crafted, set of chess pieces, made of Rosewood and Boxwood, capture the classic elegance of the 1959 Russian Zagreb design. Every piece in this set exhibits the artisan’s commitment to tradition with its delicate features, such as the knights’ flowing manes and the rooks’ turrets.

Zagreb Chess Set

What makes it a great choice:

The Old 1959 Russian Zagreb set combines artistry and history. It is a collector’s dream due to its classic style and exquisite artistry. The set becomes a focal point in your house because of its majestic presence and fine detailing that enhance your ambiance.

Minimalist Hermann Ohme Chess Set (Buy from here)

At 3.75 inches King in height, the Hermann Ohme Chess Pieces are the epitome of understated elegance. These sleek, modern pieces, crafted from ebonized and Boxwood, have clean lines and a sophisticated appearance.

Minimalist Hermann Ohme Chess Set

What makes it a great choice:

Its elegant and simple minimalist design radiates its uniqueness. The Hermann Ohme set adds a subtle charm, accentuating modern décor while blending perfectly with contemporary environments.

Burnt Blazed Hand Carved Chess Set (Buy from here)

The Hand Carved charred Blazed Chess Pieces are made of charred Boxwood and have a rustic charm. Because each piece is painstakingly hand-carved, it has distinct textures and patterns that convey authenticity and skill.

Burnt Blazed Hand Carved Chess Set

What makes it a great choice:

This set stands out due to its uniqueness and handmade quality. Its elaborate carvings and burnt wood finish give it character and make it the center of attention in any space. Its handmade charm and earthy tones combine with rustic or offbeat home decor themes.

Repro 1924 Bauhaus Geometrical Chess Set (Buy from here)

These 1.9″ King tall Bauhaus-inspired pieces are the pinnacle of geometric accuracy. They are made in Sheesham and Boxwood, and the set honors the renowned Bauhaus design movement by showcasing the creative blending of forms and functionality.

Reproduced 1924 Bauhaus Geometrical Chess Set

What makes it a great choice:

Design lovers are drawn to the avant-garde style of the Bauhaus Geometrical Chessmen. Its sharp contrasts and geometric shapes produce a visually appealing ensemble. Its usefulness is increased by the folding board, which also elevates it to a visually striking display piece.

The Collector Staunton Chess Set (Buy from here)

The Collector Staunton Chess Set is the perfect example of traditional elegance, with pieces that stand 2.6″ King tall—these classic Staunton-style pieces, crafted from Sheesham and Boxwood, radiate sophistication and ageless beauty.

The Collector Staunton Chess Set

What makes it a great choice:

It is highly sought-after as a collector’s item because of its exquisite craftsmanship and timeless Staunton design. The set is the perfect focal point for classic or retro-inspired interiors because of its well-balanced proportions and superb craftsmanship, which give off an appearance of sophistication. For collectors and enthusiasts alike, the board and box that come with it increase its value.

Some Mistakes to Avoid While Investing in a Unique Chess Set

There is no second thought in the fact that you need to give careful consideration while buying a chess set. The chess needs to have an appeal and functionality that lasts to serve the purpose of a home décor and an investment for playing in general.
  • One of the most common mistakes that people make is to ignore the chess set size. You can have a great gaming session or a display with a small chess set and one on the larger side is also going to trouble you. So, measuring the space before buying a chess set is the perfect idea. This is how you can attain maximum visibility and impact of your investment.
  • Next, materials and quality are overlooked sometimes when buyers merely keep an eye on the cost. It is important to stay within budget but investing in a cheap chess set instead of one with fine quality is not a wise choice to make.
  • If your plan is to get applause from your home visitors then investing in some exclusively high-quality chess pieces set is mandatory. This is how you can meet your aesthetic preferences for a chess set and also expect proper durability in the future.
  • Also, do not make impulsive choices instead your purchase has to be well-informed. You should buy a chess set only when you know it is an element of sophistication and will add to the charms of your space. So, speak with the chess experts today and buy a great chess décor masterpiece for your home.

Top Reasons to Buy Unique Chess Sets from Chessbazaar

When purchasing a chess set that is more than just a game, Chessbazaar is the most trusted place for chess fans looking for extraordinary pieces that take collector’s items and home décor to a whole new level.

Superior Quality and Craftsmanship:

We at are incredibly proud to offer chess sets representing superior craftsmanship and quality. To ensure the most significant levels of durability and artistry, each group is painstakingly detailed by talented artisans. We emphasize high-quality materials, including ebonized wood, rosewood, Boxwood, and Sheesham, to ensure our chess sets last longer.

Unique styles for Artistic Sophistication:

Our varied collection offers various styles from traditional Staunton to geometric patterns inspired by the Bauhaus and rustic charred wood finishes. Each set becomes a visual beauty and a topic of conversation. Our sets’ creative appeal transcends their game functionality, transforming them into magnificent ornamental objects that give any place flair and character.

Versatility in Home Decor:

Our chess sets aren’t confined to gaming; they are versatile decor elements that enhance the ambiance of homes. There is a chess set out there that is the ideal fit for your environment, whether eclectic charm, vintage elegance, or modern simplicity.

Buy Unique Chess Sets on Chessbazaar

Purchasing a one-of-a-kind chess set from is an investment in history, artistry, and individual expression. Our chess sets become treasured artifacts that enhance homes with their beauty, provoke thought, and bring the spirit of centuries-old artistry into contemporary living spaces.

Chessbazaar offers unique chess sets perfect for decor, collecting, or gift-giving. Buy your unique chess set at the best price today.


Choosing chess as décor is one of the important aspects of creating decorative space. Make sure that space is according to your desired goal not for someone else. If you are looking for a help with the selection of chess set for your home space, don’t hesitate to ask via our online form.

The year 2024 has started, and this time, you have decided to ace your skills in the game of chess. But wait! Are you still using your old chess set to practice?

If the answer is yes, you can’t afford to skip this blog as we uncover the cheapest chess sets you can buy in 2024.

“Are you kidding me? I want to buy the best quality chess sets, not the cheap ones!”

Well, then, we would like to make some corrections. Let’s explore the best quality chess sets available at the cheapest possible prices.

To begin, let’s quickly understand the importance of choosing the right chess sets for players.

Importance of Choosing the Best Quality Chess Sets

There is a high possibility that someone who has just started playing chess might think, why is it so important to choose a chess set carefully?” After all, they’re all a grid of light and dark squares.

Here’s the answer.

Playing on an ordinary chess set that doesn’t follow the standards set by official chess authorities isn’t the right choice for players. Such chess sets lack the essence of the game and hamper the concentration of the players.

It is interesting to know that playing with standardized chess sets and pieces also has a positive impact on your mental health. To extend the explanation, playing with chess boards that have a well-designed geometry makes it easier for the players to concentrate, strategize, and play their winning moves.

To know more about how chess sets and other essentials promote mental sharpness, click here.

After knowing the importance of chess sets in elevating the overall game experience of chess players, you agree that you should buy a new chess set.

Cheap Doesn’t Mean Bad Quality

Chess is a timeless game with a rich history. The chess boards and pieces come in different varieties, and the good ones usually come with hefty price tags.

However, associating the quality of chess boards with price is not the apt way to go when buying chess sets. A cheaper price does not always equate to bad quality or asymmetric designs.

Best-quality chess sets boast the following features –

  • Standardized chessboard
  • Precisely crafted chess pieces
  • Durable and high-quality material
  • Proper detailing and finish

So when we said cheapest sets to buy in 2024 in the beginning, we meant the best quality chess sets available at the lowest possible price.

Ready to buy the best quality wooden chess sets or plastic chess sets at the best price?

Wooden Chess Sets

Exquisitely crafted wooden chess sets are a tribute to superior material quality, timeless elegance, and masterful craftsmanship. These sets have a unique charm that entices both amateurs and experts to explore their world of exquisite craftsmanship. Made from premium woods like Sheesham, Boxwood, Ebony, Rosewood, Maple, or Walnut, these chess sets are designed to guarantee consistent grain, strength, and longevity.

The precision carving by skilled artisans elevates every detail, from the knight’s intricate mane to the rook’s sturdy battlements, all following the revered Staunton design, renowned for its balance and timeless charm. The natural beauty of the wood, accentuated by polished finishes, exudes sophistication and a classic aesthetic. At the same time, the satisfying weight and feel of the pieces enhance gameplay stability and tactile pleasure.

Complemented by meticulously crafted wooden boards with precise inlays, these sets offer not only a smooth playing surface but also an elegant backdrop for the strategic dance of pieces.

Cheapest Wooden Chess Sets to Buy in 2024

Highly Recognizable Design – Collector Staunton Chess Set 2.6″ King With Board & Box

The Collector Wooden Staunton Chess Set

Material & Craftsmanship: This set is the pinnacle of fine craftsmanship, expertly crafted from Sheesham and Boxwood. The 2.6″ King pieces are elegant and durable, with detailed craftsmanship. Together with the finely carved chess pieces, the set also comes with a board and a special storage box, making it a complete and visually appealing chess set.

Value & All-Inclusive: At $269.99, this chess set offers a great deal since it includes everything needed to play chess in one box. For chess players looking for a sophisticated and full set without going over budget, the mix of fine materials, precise craftsmanship, and a board and storage box make it a compelling choice.

Fully Portable – Travel Series Folding Magnetic Lacquer Chess Set – 7″

Travel Series Folding Magnetic Lacquer Chess Set

Convenience and mobility: This 7″ chess set made of Sheesham and Maple is perfect for players who are constantly on the move, providing mobility without sacrificing quality. Its folding shape makes it more portable, and its magnetic function keeps the pieces in place when moving, making it the perfect travel companion for chess players.

Craftsmanship and Affordability: This set is constructed to a high quality of craftsmanship, even at such a low price. Sheesham and Maple together provide a robust and aesthetically pleasing chess set that appeals to people who want quality without having to spend a lot of money.

Plastic Chess Sets

Chess fans on a tight budget might find what they need in plastic chess sets, which strike a compromise between cost and material quality. These sets, which are made of sturdy plastic, provide gamers looking for a dependable gaming experience without having to pay a premium for a reasonably priced alternative that is still functional.

Even though they are less expensive, these sets are nevertheless standardized and frequently adhere to tournament-style criteria, which guarantees consistency and familiarity for enthusiasts participating in practice or competitive play. They are designed to survive frequent usage without sacrificing durability, which makes them ideal for novices, clubs, or educational institutions looking for affordable yet sturdy chess sets.

Cheapest Plastic Chess Sets to Buy in 2024

Best for Study Tournaments – Plastic Chess Set 3.1″ King

Plastic Chess Set 3.1 King

Material and Durability: This chess set is made of sturdy plastic and has well-made, long-lasting parts. Beginners can benefit from the visibility and ease of play provided by the 3.1″ King pieces. The foldable chess board is composed of a strong material that allows for transportation without sacrificing strength.

Standardized Design and Affordability: The pieces of this chess set are perfect for practice and competitive play since they preserve a standardized design while adhering to tournament-style criteria. Even with their strict adherence to standard features, this combo is still quite reasonably priced, making it a great choice for those on a tight budget who still want quality.

Best for Clubs or Blitz Game – The Checkmate Series Chess Set – 3.75″ King with Folding Board

The Checkmate Series Chess Set

Weighted Pieces and Portability: This set guarantees a pleasurable tactile experience when played with its 3.75″ king pieces, which are weighted for stability. For those who want a combination of weighted pieces and portability, the folding board adds convenience to transportation and storage.

Value and Quality Balance: This set balances quality, weight, and cost-effectiveness by providing weighted pieces at a reasonable price. For those looking for sturdy pieces on a budget, the folding board’s ease of use and the pieces’ inherent stability make it a desirable option.

Provide Plenty of Enjoyment – Shamrock Chess Set (Painted)- 3.75″ King With Board

Shamrock Chess Set

Distinctive Look and Size: The bold Irish green and white hues of this set make a statement and give it a special artistic touch. It caters to players looking for a different visual appeal by ensuring visibility and simplicity of usage during gameplay with its 3.75″ King pieces.

Affordability and Unique Design: This set is reasonably priced for individuals looking for a visually distinctive chess set, even with its unusual look. For enthusiasts searching for a visually distinct yet cost-effective option, the mix of affordability and a striking color palette makes it a tempting choice.

Best for Competitions – Tournament Series Staunton Chess Set 3.75″ King

Tournament Series Staunton Chess Set

Standard style and Reasonable pricing: This standardized chess set plays a special role in every competition. The added weight to this set makes it worth every penny spent. The chess board, especially the folded one (which is optional to complete a bundle), helps chess enthusiasts choose according to their preferences without breaking the bank.

Craftsmanship and Material: This set is affordable for individuals looking for a chess set made from high-quality wood and specially handcrafted by skilled artisans. The blend of eye-catching craftsmanship and material usage makes it appealing to every chess enthusiast.

Get Modern Touch – Minimalist Hermann Ohme Chess Set 3.75″ King

Minimalist Hermann Ohme Chess Set

Minimalist Look and Size: The minimalist design of this set makes a unique statement in itself. For those who seek something distinctive in design and an exciting gameplay experience, this set delivers an amazing playing experience with its 3.75″ King size.

Craftsmanship and Material: With its appealing craftsmanship and material usage, this chess set provides chess lovers with what they actually want. It’s an affordable alternative not only for chess enthusiasts but also for passionate chess players.

Best for Chess Analysis – Collector Series Chess Set Combo 2.6″ King

Collector Series Chess Set Combo

Portable and Durable: Individuals who are frequently on the move and seek a portable, durable chess set that is fully affordable can be pleasantly surprised by the Collector Series. It includes the finest quality wooden chess board, which is foldable. The storage pouch adds an extra layer of care to this beautifully crafted chess set.

Outstanding Quality and Size: With a King height of 2.6 inches and a diameter of 1.2 inches, it’s ideal for those who need a chess set for analysis. The quality of this chess set provides great satisfaction, making it the desired chess set at a very reasonable price.
Really tight on budget? You can also explore more options of high-quality chess sets as cheap as under $100 on

Chess Sets under $100

These chess sets follow the standard guidelines of the game and are designed with attention to detail, making them a good choice for players.

What’s unique about chess sets under $100 available on

Material and Craftsmanship: These sets are reasonably priced, but they are made with high-quality materials such as sturdy plastics. Still, they nevertheless maintain a level of craftsmanship that guarantees usefulness and longevity. Players are provided with a genuine chess-playing experience by the meticulous molding or carving of the pieces to match conventional sizing criteria.

Standard Guidelines and Design: These sets have Staunton-style pieces, which are known for their balance and simplicity of play, and they closely follow the traditional rules of chess. For players with different skill levels, this chess set design makes sure that the pieces are ergonomically constructed for easy handling and easily discernible.

Attention to Details and Accessibility: These sets pay attention to the essential chess details, guaranteeing a positive play experience, even though they aren’t overly fancy or made of high-quality materials. For aficionados who value functionality and follow accepted gaming conventions over elaborate designs or high-end materials, they provide an affordable alternative.

Looking for something more specific?

Range of Quality Chess Sets at the Best Prices

If you are looking for a specific type of chess set, is your destination to explore the best quality wooden chess sets, magnetic chess sets, vinyl chess sets, customized chess sets, and a lot more.

From chess pieces and chess boards to other chess essentials, every chess component is designed and crafted to match the actual standards of the game.

Find your ideal chess set on

Table of Contents
Its holiday season and you still haven’t quite finished up your shopping? Holiday parties are just around the corner and you haven’t been able to decide on unique Christmas gifts for office employees, friends and family yet. While it would be easy to just purchase the same thing you did last year, it wouldn’t be very exciting. It can be difficult to come up with extraordinary ideas for so many people, though. And what about decorating your home for the celebrations?  Don’t worry, we understand and that’s why we’ve decided to put together a few creative ideas to help you out this holiday season. Holiday_Shop 1 The Christmas holidays are all about decorations and presenting gifts to your near and dear ones. One of the favorite things in the world during holidays is decorating the home. Most of the people prefer a more traditional look to their home; it should be simple but should yet look magnificent. Decorating with the same old items in the same old way can become very boring.  Sometimes we need a few fresh ideas to help liven things up a bit for the holidays. We’ve got some great inexpensive Christmas ideas for the home.  In our holiday shop you will find some amazing chess sets that will add that festive touch to your home. We offer a big range of luxury chess sets that will fill your whole room with cheer and fortunately you would not need to drain your Christmas budget for a look that would turn your home into a wonderland. Our luxury chess sets are perfect Home Décor articles. You may be art collector or interior decorator; our luxury chess sets will for sure melt your heart and will provide a royal look to your office or home. Christmas_Gifts We all know how much people like handmade gifts. We offer beautifully handcrafted chess pieces and chess sets for everyone on your wish list. Even if you are on a tight budget this Christmas holiday season, we still have some unique gifting options for your loved ones. Our economy chess pieces, mid-range chess pieces and travel series provide you with plenty of inexpensive gift options. This will also allow you to show love and appreciation to the closest people in your life. Apart from all these we’ve gathered an interesting and unique Christmas gifts for everyone on your list. Let’s take a close look:

#1. Travel Series Folding Magnetic Lacquer Chess Set Sheesham & Maple – 7″ (Buy from here)

Travel Series Folding Magnetic Lacquer Chess Set

If someone on your list loves to travel and also a chess lover, this Travel Series Folding Magnetic Lacquer Chess Set Sheesham & Maple – 7″ would definitely wins their heart. It features magnetic base, fitted slots for Chessmen and Striking combination of Sheesham & Maple wood. It is available in different sizes like 10 inches, 14 inches and many more.

Still not convinced? Do check out the reviews:(See the attached pictures)

Review on Chessbazaar 7 inch Travel Chess Set

Review on 7 inch travel chess set by chessbazaar

Review on chessbazaar 7 inch magnetic chess set

#2. The 1950s Soviet (Russian) Latvian Reproduced Chess Pieces in Stained Crimson / Box Wood – 4.1″ King (Buy from here)

The 1950s Soviet Russian Latvian Reproduced Chess Pieces

It’s all about cherishing the old memories, so help your loved one turn their dream into reality. This set of Soviet Latvian chess pieces made from Stained Crimson Boxwood and natural boxwood plus weighted can significantly provide a good balance while making move on chess board.

Comes with 34 pieces including 2 extra queens. Chess pieces are having thick green felt on base for the smoother movement.

#3. CB Wild Stallion Luxury Chess Pieces in Bud Rosewood & Boxwood – 4.4″ King (Buy from here)

CB Wild Stallion Luxury Chess Pieces

Specially launched for the Christmas season by Chessbazaar, the CB Wild Stallion Luxury Chess Pieces have the power to captivate your loved ones both aesthetically and functionally during play. This stunning masterpiece of art features 2050 grams (72.31 oz), 4.4″ King, Intriguing look of knight gives wonderful gaming experience.

It’s also available in Ebony & Boxwood combination.

#4. Combo Of Reproduced Vintage 1930 German Knubbel Analysis Chess Pieces In Stained Crimson And Boxwood – 3″ King With Chess Board (Buy from here)

Combo of Reproduced Vintage 1930 German Knubbel Analysis Chess Pieces

From chess collectors to enthusiasts, this combo Of Reproduced Vintage 1930 German Knubbel is sure to win Christmas. It features a vibrant color contrast that will incredibly notify your recipient about Christmas. The 3″ King makes a perfect fit for playing and analyzing chess games. It is also slightly weighted and made from high-quality wood.

#5. Reproduced 1849 Original Staunton Pattern Chess Pieces in Lacquer Finished Painted Crimson & Ivory White – 4.5″ King (Buy from here)

Reproduced 1849 Original Staunton Pattern Chess Pieces

1849 Original Staunton Pattern Chess Pieces – this Christmas gift will bring your recipient bigger relief for their longstanding desire to make moves with widely recognized chess pieces. Made of Painted Crimson Boxwood and Ivory White Boxwood, this set of chess pieces vividly checkmates the game due to its intriguing color pattern.

#6. 4.25″ King Size Reproduced 1950 Dubrovnik Bobby Fischer Weighted Chess Pieces Set in Ebony Wood (Buy from here)

4.25 Inch King Size Reproduced 1950 Dubrovnik Chess PiecesThere’s nothing better than Bobby Fischer’s favorite chess set i.e. 4.25″ King Size Reproduced 1950 Dubrovnik Bobby Fischer Weighted Chess Pieces. Help your recipient indulge in the game of chess with dedication and a passionate spirit all its best. Dubrovnik chess pieces comes in different sizes, but this is the perfect size for people who want king in bigger size. Opt for this 4.25″ King Size Reproduced 1950 Dubrovnik Bobby Fischer Weighted Chess Pieces Set in Ebony wood and your recipient will remember you every time they play chess.

Also available in Bud Rosewood and Boxwood.


#7. Order Custom Design (Visit here)

Custom Chess Set – Whether your loved one want something unique in chess or you have your specialized design in your mind for them, please tell us via order custom design, we love your recipient provide them with their dream chess set, chess piece for this special occasion.

So, get ready for the big celebrations and lend your home a unique blend of tradition and beauty. Peep in and check our magnificent range of handcrafted unique and antique chess sets.


Selecting the 10 best handmade wooden chess sets is just like a mother choosing her favorite child when asked which is her best among two or three. As a renowned online chess store, we are known globally for our high-quality chess equipment among chess enthusiasts across the globe. One can verify this through discussions in the online chess community or from our happy customers. We deeply appreciate all the wonderful people who consistently motivate us to craft high-quality chess pieces, chess boards, combos, and other essential chess accessories like storage chess boxes, and many more. In this blog post, we are presenting our 10 Best Handmade Wooden Chess Sets of 2023. These chess sets are standout options that continuously receive high praise for their exceptional craftsmanship, appealing design, and, of course, the use of high-quality materials.

Let’s dive into the world where we craft chess equipments with love and full enthusiasm so that chess players of all skill levels, chess lovers, chess collectors, and everyone who loves chess can enjoy this amazing strategic game.

1950 Reproduced Dubrovnik Bobby Fischer Chessmen Version 3.0 in Stained Crimson Boxwood / Box Wood – 3.7″ King

1950 Reproduced Dubrovnik Bobby Fischer Chessmen Version 3.0 in Stained Crimson Boxwood Box Wood
1950 Reproduced Dubrovnik Bobby Fischer Chessmen Version 3.0 in Stained Crimson Boxwood / Box Wood – 3.7″ King

We have placed this at the top of our list because of its remarkable success worldwide. The pieces are made from the striking combination of Stained Crimson Boxwood, and Boxwood, catching the heart of every chess enthusiast. The craftsmanship of this beautiful chess set becomes the center of attraction among chess aficionados. This iconic style chess set has its own rich history.

Reproduced 1849 Original Staunton Pattern Wooden Heavy Chess Pieces in Ebony / Boxwood with King Side Stamping – 3.75″ King

Reproduced 1849 Original Staunton Pattern Wooden Heavy Chess Pieces in Ebony and Boxwood
Reproduced 1849 Original Staunton Pattern Wooden Heavy Chess Pieces in Ebony / Boxwood with King Side Stamping – 3.75″ King

The Reproduced 1849 Original Staunton pattern series is the ideal choice for collectors. With its intricate details, unique craftsmanship, and King side stamping, this chess set has received love from every corner of the globe. Crafted from Ebony and Boxwood, it showcases a visually renowned appeal of the popular Staunton style pattern. The size, with a king measuring 3.75″, provides a wonderful opportunity to connect with chess players.

The Sinquefield Cup 2017 Reproduced Original Chess Pieces in Genuine Ebony Wood & Boxwood – 3.75″ King

The Sinquefield Cup 2017 Reproduced Original Chess Pieces in Genuine Ebony Wood & Boxwood
The Sinquefield Cup 2017 Reproduced Original Chess Pieces in Genuine Ebony Wood & Boxwood – 3.75″ King

The Sinquefield Cup 2017 Reproduced series is tailored for those seeking a classic yet modern chess set, based on Staunton pattern. Meticulously hand-carved from authentic ebony wood and boxwood, the set showcase beauty and elegance at its best. The meticulous attention to detail in the chess pieces is evident to the naked eye. The added weight on the chess pieces with an amazing feel and balance, enhancing the overall chess gaming experience.

Tournament Series Staunton Chess Pieces with German Knight in Sheesham & Box Wood – 3.75″ King

Tournament Series Staunton Chess Pieces with German Knight in Sheesham & Box Wood
Tournament Series Staunton Chess Pieces with German Knight in Sheesham & Box Wood

Based on the tournament, this creation from us has gained more popularity than we anticipated. The simple, sturdy, and practical styling of the pieces makes them easy to play, especially for blitz. Crafted from Sheesham & Box Wood, this one-of-a-kind masterpiece is available at a very reasonable price, with the added bonus of FREE worldwide shipping, making it even more desirable.

Travel Series Folding Magnetic Lacquer Chess Set In Sheesham & Maple – 10″

Travel Series Folding Magnetic Lacquer Chess Set In Sheesham & Maple 10 inch
Travel Series Folding Magnetic Lacquer Chess Set In Sheesham & Maple – 10″

The Travel Series Folding set captivates the attention of passionate chess players, particularly those who are avid travelers. Its portability and ease of carrying are among its major benefits. It serves as a companion, aiding enthusiasts in mastering the strategic game comfortably and with style, anywhere and everywhere. Becomes the top choice for gifting on occasions such as Christmas, birthdays, parties, and many more.

The Study Tournament Plastic Chess Pieces & Roll Up Chess Board Combo – 3.1″ King

The Study Tournament Plastic Chess Pieces & Roll Up Chess Board Combo
The Study Tournament Plastic Chess Pieces & Roll Up Chess Board Combo – 3.1″ King

This tournament combo takes beginner chess players on an amazing journey where they can learn, improve, and rectify their mistakes without burdening their wallets. Its durability, affordability, and beauty captivate chess enthusiasts and players of different skill levels.

The 1935 Warsaw Capablanca Simultaneous Chess Set Reproduction in Ebony and Boxwood – 3.8″ King

The 1935 Warsaw Capablanca Simultaneous Chess Set Reproduction in Ebony and Boxwood
The 1935 Warsaw Capablanca Simultaneous Chess Set Reproduction in Ebony and Boxwood – 3.8″ King

Introducing the exquisite 1935 Warsaw Capablanca Simultaneous Chess Set Reproduction, meticulously crafted in Ebony and Boxwood with impressive 3.8″ Kings. This one-of-a-kind reproduced style is a cherished piece for chess enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. Dedicated to a historic event, it not only captures the essence of Capablanca’s simultaneous chess matches in Warsaw but also embodies the strategic brilliance of the past from every perspective.

The 1951-1954 “Česká klubovka” FIDE Tournament Czech Reproduction Chessmen in Ebony wood & Boxwood – 4.0″ King

The 1951-1954 Česká klubovka FIDE Tournament Czech Reproduction Chessmen in Ebony wood & Boxwood
The 1951-1954 “Česká klubovka” FIDE Tournament Czech Reproduction Chessmen in Ebony wood & Boxwood – 4.0″ King

The 1951-1954 “Česká klubovka” FIDE Tournament Czech Reproduction Chessmen carry with them a rich tradition. Crafted from Ebony wood and Boxwood, our skilled artisans spend hours meticulously creating these historical chess pieces exclusively for chess lovers, collectors, and players. This reproduction holds powerful historical significance, uniquely connecting players with history.

Combo Of Minimalist Hermann Ohme Chess Pieces In Sheesham & Box Wood – 3.75″ King With Storage Box

Combo Of Minimalist Hermann Ohme Chess Pieces In Sheesham & Box Wood With Storage Box

The Combo of Minimalist Hermann Ohme Chess Pieces is not only a testament to craftsmanship but also a harmonious blend of minimalist design and traditional aesthetics. It’s a splendid work of art that enhances the chess experience with genuine aesthetic style.

The Burnt Blazed Series Handcarved Chess Pieces in Burnt Box Wood – 3.8″ King

The Burnt Blazed Series Handcarved Chess Pieces in Burnt Box Wood
The Burnt Blazed Series Handcarved Chess Pieces in Burnt Box Wood – 3.8″ King

The Burnt Blazed Series Handcarved Chessmen boasts a remarkably unique design and pattern, making it a truly one-of-a-kind creation. The distinctive color combination of dark and light pieces sets this chess set apart, offering an intriguing, stylish, and exotic aesthetic that distinguishes it from the usual designs.


The Sikh Empire Series Triple Weighted Wooden Handmade Chess Pieces in Genuine Ebony Wood and Indian Boxwood – 4.5″ King with Extra Queens

The Sikh Empire Series Triple Weighted Wooden Handmade Chess Pieces in Genuine Ebony Wood and Indian Boxwood with Extra Queens
The Sikh Empire Series Triple Weighted Wooden Handmade Chess Pieces in Genuine Ebony Wood and Indian Boxwood with Extra Queens

The Sikh Empire Series, launched in December 2022, holds a special place on our list, and we take great pride in this one-of-a-kind creation dedicated to the rich historical culture and heritage of the Sikh empire. We are delighted to have received an outstanding response to our unique creation from enthusiasts around the world.


We at chessbazaar strongly believe that best chess set is one that give you not only amazing gaming experience but also provides you satisfaction that can’t be expressed in words and it can only be felt just like mothers love can be felt by their children only. Do you also want to feel that kind of love, visit our online store and get the feel from our high quality chess equipments that you are dreaming of.


Do you know a study has found that Christmas is nearly incomplete without a fun board game in the festive season? In fact, it is a family tradition to play a board game and enjoy the holiday time to the fullest. Avid players never refrain from bending the rules while many others get caught red-handed cheating to win the game by any means. Whatever everyone does but the main idea is to bring the entire family together over a board game and other activities. So, what are you waiting for? Christmas is coming soon, and you have to indulge in your favorite board game with your loved ones. How about selecting and buying that premium quality chess board online? We are sure you would not wish to delay getting all set for this amazing time of the year. Let’s get started-

What Makes a Perfect Chess Board?

The quality of a chess board reflects a lot about the player’s passion and their understanding of the history of the game. Craftsmanship and aesthetics play an integral role in buying a chess board. It is fully justified to consider a chess board a work of art and not just a surface to place chess pieces. Therefore, finding out a masterpiece with the highest standard is quite meaningful for a seasoned player. Here are some points to take care of-

  • Never compromise with the material as it is usually seen that buyers simply buy wooden chess boards without checking the quality or type of wood. It is important to look for fine-grained hardwood such as Rosewood, Maple, and Walnut. These woods are just perfect for carving a beautiful chess board for a classic gaming session.
  • Durability is another great factor to notice. The best part is chess boards at chessbazaar are built to last and longevity is never a problem with us. Buying a well-constructed board with lasting looks and power to withstand rigors is possible with chessbazaar.
  • Usually, it is common to simply buy chess boards online without even looking at the dimensions. In some cases, people pay attention to the size of the king and feel that the entire chess set is good to buy. However, there is more to look at in order to purchase a suitable chess board. 2.25” to 2.5” inches are the acceptable dimensions of each square and there are 64 squares over the chess board. Moreover, the contrast of dark and light squares is also visually appealing and considered as the hallmark of an ideal chess board.
  • Chess boards should have aesthetics that align with chess pieces. The overall look of the chess set has to be harmonized with the perfect craftsmanship. The seamless playing surface, thorough detailing, precisely cut squares, and minimalistic elegance are mostly the idealized outlooks of the premium chess boards. However, this may vary as per the personal style of the player.

How to Pick Up the Perfect Wooden Chess Board

An ideal chess board plays a significant role in the intellectual game of chess. First things first, you need to set a budget. Chess sets and boards are available in a wide range and are affordable to luxurious. Narrowing down options based on the spending range gives a clear idea of what to purchase. Further, you must determine the material, and usually, wooden chess boards are high selling. The availability of wood choices like Maple, Rosewood, and Walnut is enough to give that appealing look as well as feel. Once you are done deciding on your budget and getting all the aesthetical vibes, you can move ahead with the size aspects of your premium chess board.

The squares of the chess board must be proportionate to the base of the king according to standard chess board dimensions. This proportion will allow you to fulfill the goal of making the king’s base look appropriate when placed in a square of the chess board. It is seen in the tournaments that the king diameter to square size ratio is between 72 percent to 82 percent. However, considering the median of different ratios calculated by the experts is 76.5 percent. To understand this, we can use an example in which a king has a base diameter of 3.25” inches divided by 0.765 (76.5 percent) equals to 4.2” square size. You can also check out our suggestions for chessboards for Christmas for a better idea of the king’s diameter and chessboard size.

Related Reading: How to Measure a Perfect Chessboard for a Particular King Size?

Our Premium Chess Boards to Buy This Christmas

1. Wooden Red Ash Burl Maple Hi-Gloss Finish Chess Board 22”- 55 mm. (Buy from here)


Made of premium quality Red Ash Burl(dark) on the one side and Maple(light) on the other, this wooden chess board is a class to attain. That shiny and enhanced look is something your eye cannot refuse to see.

Ask a seasoned chess player and they will praise this amazing piece that comes with a hi-gloss finish. This 21.6” x 21.6” chess board has a square size of 2.16” x 2.16” inches with a thickness of 0.4” inches.

Also, note that this handmade chess board is made in Spain and weighs around 2950 grams. To put this well-carved board to use, you need a king with a base diameter of 1.5”- 1.8” inches.

2. Solid Wooden Luxury Indian Handmade Chess Board in Bud Rosewood and Maple- 21” inches board- 55 mm square. (Buy from here)

If you are a fan of lavish and premium chess boards, then this is beyond your expectations. You will fall for this handcrafted beauty and its genuine quality wood.

The squares are made from genuine Bud Rose Wood & Boxwood. Its felted green velvet underside is the main highlight of this luxury chess board.

Talking about the chess board dimensions, this is 45 mm thick and has a size of 21” x 21” inches with squares of 2.1” x 2.1” inches. For this chess board weighing 5390 grams, you will require a king with a base diameter of 1.5” – 1.9” inches.

3. Wooden Chess Board Dark Brown Indian Rosewood 21”- 55 mm. (Buy from here)

This wooden chess board displays a blend of Indian Rosewood and Maple wood for exceptional aesthetics. Made by local artisans with utmost creativity, this chess board cannot be missed by a professional chess player.

With 21” x 21” inches in size and squares of 2.2” x 2.2” inches, this chess board is one of the best sellers online. It has a board thickness of 0.78” inches and weighs around 5600 grams.

Thinking about placing those nicely carved chess pieces over it? Well, firstly you should find a king with a base of 1.5” – 1.8” inches. Nothing to be worried about to get such a king with chessbazaar. Connect with our experts regarding the same.

One can buy this chess board in different variations: Bud Rose Wood & Maple, Sheesham wood & Maple, Ebony Wood & Maple

4. Standard Walnut Maple Wooden Chess Board with Notation 18”- 50 mm. (Buy from here)

Seeking a normal-sized wooden chess board with notations? Well, this standard Walnut Maple wooden chess board is your perfect deal. The best part is you can review your game and learn to make better moves with the notation.

Made of Walnut and Maple, this wooden chess board is 17.7” x 17.7” inches in size and has squares of 2.0” x 2.0” inches. The board thickness is 0.4” inches and weighs around 2000 grams. The king needed to be placed on this chess board should have a base between 1.4” and 1.5” inches.

So, would you consider buying this handmade chess board made in Spain with an attractive matte and non-shiny finish?

5. Solid Wooden Indian Chess Board in Genuine Ebony Wood and Maple Wood with Sheesham Wood Border 19”- 50 mm Square. (Buy from here)

The most appealing part of this chess board is its wood border made from Sheesham(Golden Rose Wood) that gives a dark-colored interlocked appeal. Still, the other woods like Ebony and Maple also leave their lasting charm on the viewers.

This 3268-gram premium chess board has a size of 19” x 19” inches with squares of 1.9” inches each. And a board thickness of 1” inch. The king with a base diameter of 1.3” to 1.5” inches will be suitable for this chess board.

This handmade chess board is going to be a significant addition to your chess collection. You can ask our executives to find relevant chess pieces for the same to complete the entire set.

One can buy this amazing chess board in different variations: Bud Rose Wood / Maple (Rounded Edge), Bud Rose Wood & Maple, Sheesham Wood, Ebony Wood & Boxwood

6. Folding Solid Wood Chess Board Ebony Wood and Maple Wood 12.5”- 40 mm. (Buy from here)

Wooden folding chess boards are a delight for chess players who love to travel. They are quite lightweight and easy to carry for all those spontaneous trips and other plans. This Ebony wood and Maple wood chess board is no different and can be used as a travel board game aptly.

This board is of 12.5” x 12.5” inches with a square size of 1.57” x 1.57” inches. The thickness of the board is 0.39” inches and it weighs around 1100 grams. This handmade chess set is great in terms of aesthetics as well as is affordable.

So, do not wait further to buy this amazing chess board as it might get out of stock soon.

One can buy this chess board in different variations: Sheesham & Maple, Bud Rose Wood(Padauk) & Maple

Check Out Our Top Combo Chess Set for the Festive Season Gifting

Travel Series Folding Magnetic Lacquer Chess Set in Sheesham & Maple- 12”. (Buy from here)

Travel Series Folding Magnetic Lacquer Chess Set In Sheesham & Maple – 12 Inch

Hey chess enthusiast, are you planning a trip soon and wish to take your chess set along? Well, you do not have to worry about your chess pieces getting lost as there is an exclusive magnetic chess set. You will love that box with a soft casing with punch slots to hold all the chess pieces.

This travel series folding magnetic lacquer chess set is meant to be taken anywhere and played feasibly. However, the quality of Sheesham (Golden Rose Wood) and Maple wood is not at all compromised in its making. It’s 12” x 12” x 1.1” inches in size when open and 12” x 6” x 2.2” in size when folded.

There are squares of 1.2” x 1.2” inches suitable for all 32 magnetic chessmen. The king stands tall at 2.4” inches with a base diameter of 0.8” inches. This chess set weighs around 1064 grams, which makes it pretty lightweight and quite travel friendly.

You can shop this travel chess set in these sizes 7 inches, 10 inches, 14 inches and 16 inches

Get An Exclusively Customized Wooden Chess Board from Chessbazaar for Christmas

Do you have a unique idea in mind about the chess board? Now you can get it customized by consulting with our executives. You just have to tell your preferences them, and they will come up the suggestions about the additions that can be made to our premium chess boards. These customizations can be related to size, texture, material, color, or various other aspects. Just decide and let us know via our online form, the rest will be taken care of.

At last, we hope this extensive information about chess boards will help you get the best chessboard online from our website. If you have any further queries, then feel free to contact us or write to us. Our team will be glad to assist you.

The first and foremost rule at the start of the game of chess is the placement of the chessboard. Always remember – light on the right. Meaning the light-colored square is always on the right-hand side of the player. Take a look at the below mentioned picture.

Placement of a Chess Board
Light Coloured is always on the Right Side

Now comes the placement of the Rooks/Castles. These are placed on the four squares on the outer squares of the board.

Next to Rooks is the place of Knights.

Next to knights is Bishops.

Next to Bishops comes the Queen, the second most important piece in a chess set after the king. But always remember that the queen always sits in the color of its square. So the white/light-colored square will have a queen.

The king comes next to the queen. The front row of all these pieces is filled by the pawns.

Well, are you currently searching for finest quality wooden chess boards that looks premium and provide you with an amazing gaming experience? You are at the perfect spot! At chessbazaar, we have every type of chess board, be it a wooden or PVC chess board. Let’s have quick look at all we have:

Spanish Veneer Chess Boards

These chess boards are made from deluxe hardwood and feature sharp corners with a perfect matte finish. The matte finish is applied to protect these boards from smudges and scratches. These boards comes in various color combinations and patterns.

If you are in search of a chess board for your chess pieces, the Spanish Veneer Chess Boards are perfect for you. Below, we have showcased our best-selling boards from our ‘Spanish Veneer Chess Boards‘ online collection.

Minimalist Veener Wooden Black Chess Board Wooden Deluxe Black Anigre Maple Matte Finish Chess Board Deluxe Chess Board Black Anigre Red Ash Burl Matte Finish with Moulded edges

Luxury Chess Boards in Ebony Wood

These chess boards are crafted from the costliest wood, Ebony Wood, making them perfect for chess enthusiasts seeking elegance and luxury in style. The durability of these boards ensures they will last for many years. If you are someone who places special emphasis on aesthetic appeal and high-quality materials, the ‘Luxury Chess Boards in Ebony Wood‘ collection is designed just for you. We’ve featured our top-selling chess boards from our online collection in below mentioned gallery.

Solid Wooden Heavy Indian Handmade Chess Board in Genuine Ebony & Maple 23 Solid Wooden Indian Chess Board in Genuine Ebony Wood & Maple Wood with Sheesham Wood Border Solid Wooden Chess Board in Genuine Ebony Wood and Maple Wood

Indian Rosewood Chess Boards

These chess boards often take the spotlight due to their dark brown wood, adorned with beautiful grain patterns. Indian Rosewood stands out when it comes to weight and stability. If you are a serious chess player, you can purchase Indian Rosewood Chess Boards without putting a burden on your pocket, as we offer exciting discounts periodically. For discount related information, you can visit our offer zone section. You can also like our facebook, twitter, Instagram channels for latest discount, product update etc.

Below, you’ll find the best-selling items from our collection.

Deluxe Indian Rosewood Maple Wooden Chess Board 23 Wooden Chess Board Dark Brown Indian Rosewood 21 Chess Board Wooden Rose Wood 20 inch 50

Sheesham Wood Chess Boards

Made from Sheesham Wood, these chess boards feature intricate design patterns, making them a perfect match for 1959 Russian Zagreb Series and wooden staunton chess pieces. When we talk about the underside of the board, it is lined with green velvet on a wooden ply to provide a comfortable gaming experience. Ranging from 17 inches to 23 inches, these chess boards offer much more than their price suggests.

If you are looking for an affordable option that combines decent elegance and style, look no further than the Sheesham Wood Chess Boards from chessbazaar. We’ve listed the top items from this collection; please check out the categories mentioned below:

Beautiful Luxury Chess Board Sheesham Wood Maple - 21 Deluxe Sheesham Solid Wood Maple Wooden Chess Board 21 Folding Chess Board


Our online chess store offers chess boards of various price ranges, preferences, designs, and styles to chess collectors, chess players of all levels. We would love to hear from you about your favorite chessbazaar chess board here in the comment section. We are eagerly waiting for your response.

We know that Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive form of dementia that affects nearly 55 million people across the globe, and total numbers of peoples expected to live with Alzheimer’s will significantly rise upto 153 million by 2050. According to latest studies, playing chess can be helpful in slowing down Alzheimer’s. To reap the full benefits from this amazing chess game, it’s essential to play it with precision and strategy. In this blog post, we’ll explore common mistakes people make when using chess as a tool for helping slower down Alzheimer’s. We will also provide valuable tips for avoiding those mistakes.

Man trying to concentrate on a chess game

Mistake #1: Lack of Consistency Towards Improving Memory

Improving memory requires consistent practice and effort. The most widely mistakes people make is not sticking to a consistent routine for memory exercises. Consistency is key not only to the memory improvement but also in any case be it learning a specific skill.

Tip #1: Try Memorizing Through a Pictorial View in Mind

As we’ve previously discussed in one of our blog posts titled ‘How to Get Good at Chess by Playing Strategically,’ chess isn’t just about making current moves; it involves long-term planning. Playing chess intelligently can combat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, but only with help of consistent effort. Unfortunately, many people struggle with consistency in this regard. An effective alternative is memorization using pictorial representations. Maintaining continuous engagement of the mind is essential for improving memory. This engagement isn’t limited to the chess board alone; even outside of chess, one can think about tactics, positional moves, and endgame techniques to significantly train the brain.

Tip #2: Try Solving the Problems of Others

Engaging in problem-solving tasks (*not difficult ones) stimulates the brain and helps maintain cognitive function. It can also slow down cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s patients. Solving crossword puzzles, keeping track of one’s daily activities, or helping children with shape sorting are considered non-difficult tasks.

Here’s the Ultimate Chess Puzzle, One Must Try


Chess Puzzle Book from chessbazaar
Multiple Choice Chess II Book
Pick of the Best Chess Problems

Mistake #2: Selecting Harder Chess Variants

Harder chess variants may overwhelm not only individuals with Alzheimer’s but also those who don’t have it. Adapting to less strenuous games can be very helpful.

Tip #3: Just Stick It To The Basics

Playing chess as according to more simplified rules with the only intention of capturing, checkmate etc tremendously yield best results.

Related Reading: Chess Pieces Moves – An illustrated guide

American Adios Series Luxury Chess Pieces

Tip #4: Follow The Slow-Paced Route

Burdening the mind is not a good affair, and it could result in extreme pressure on the mind. Playing a slow-paced chess game can be good for managing stress and pressure.

Mistake #3: Finding It Difficult, But Still Trying

When individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease engage in playing chess, they often experience a heightened sense of enthusiasm and interest. However, this initial excitement can eventually give way to feelings of frustration, which can be particularly challenging for individuals living with Alzheimer’s. With such a challenge, we’ve seen people frustrated but they do still playing. This would lead to frustration, nothing else.

Tip #5: Play it Like Low-Stress Activity

Whenever we have gone through a fever, doctors commonly suggest to eat easily digestible and nutrient-rich foods to support the immune system for fast recovery. Similarly, when someone plays with the sole intention of enjoying it a casual game, it can yield excellent results. So, playing chess with a non-competitive intention can be very advantageous.

Are you looking for a comforting environment for yourself or your loved one who has Alzheimer’s? Here at Chessbazaar, we’ve chess related items including chess pieces, chess boards, eye-catching chess sets combos, and wooden games to keep people mentally and physically active and healthy. Furthermore, we can custom design products to meet the personalized needs of every individual, as our motto says, ‘CHESS FOR EVERYONE’. Get in touch with us today via email at

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