
how to set chessboard


There are many problems when it comes to playing chess that an individual is likely to encounter. One of them is choosing the right chessboard that would be appropriate for the size of the pieces, it is pretty important.


There have been tons of publications from different websites on how to find the right chess board for a piece size, however, many guidelines are not practical.

Most tackle this question by taking the height of the king and dictating the appropriate sizes, however, the base diameter is actually the most important metric.

That is going to be the main focus of this article, here it will be explained how the base diameter of the King can be used to find the appropriate chess board for the pieces. Keep on reading to learn more.

The Base Diameter of the King can be Used to Determine the Right Chessboard

In order to find the best chess board that will be suitable for your chess pieces, it is important to look at the size of the king. Most sizes of the pieces will be complementary to the base diameter of the king.

It is generally recommended to choose an appropriate chessboard where the size of the squares are proportionate to the base diameter of the king.

If the king can appear fitting to the square size of the chess board it is very likely that the other pieces will be in similar proportions. The most important metric is the base diameter of the king.

The king can be in various heights yet have a similar base diameter, the proportion of the base diameter will be the most important when it comes to the sizes of the square.

If the base diameter is too small, the pieces would appear very small when placed in a standard square size (and vice versa). The base diameter of the king and the square size are the two most important metrics for the calculation.

Also Read: Best Designer & Unique Chess Sets for Décor, Study, Home Office or Library

Calculating the base diameter of the king to find the right chessboard

The best practice for determining which square size is fitting for a king size would be the ratio between the square size to the king’s base diameter in percentages. This can be confusing however.

Traditionally the ratio is between 72%-82% for most commercial chess boards. The U.S. chess federation recommends the ratio between the king diameter to the square size at around 72%-82% (in tournament settings).

The information out there is not consistent, some players even say that the square size/king size ratio should be between 68%-85%. If we take the median to all of this for the sake of calculation, it would be 76.5%.

With this number in mind the calculation is incredibly simple, we have already established that the base diameter should at least occupy 76.5% of the chessboard. We can now calculate using a simple division.

Let’s say that we have a King piece with a base diameter of 3.25″, all you have to do is to divide that by 0.765 (76.5%) and you will get the appropriate size for a chessboard.

3.25 (king’s base diameter) ÷ 0.765 (base diameter/square size percentage) = 4.2″ chess board (square size).

This means that if you have a king piece with a base diameter of 3.25″, the appropriate square size of its chess board should be around 4.2″.

You just need to take the king’s base diameter and divide it by the king’s base diameter/percentage ratio that you prefer. The 76.5% percentage is just used in this example since it is the median of the recommended sizes.

The Right Chessboard for the Standard King Size

Let’s take this formula to the test using the standard King’s base diameter practiced in formal chess tournaments. The standard base diameter for Kings used in tournaments is 1.75″.

If we divide it by 0.765 the square size would be 2.28“.

If we divide it differently, let’s say 1.75/0.78 (another standard percentage) the resulting square size is 2.25″. This 2.25″ square size is actually the recommended chess board size in USCF.

However there are many other recommended ratios as been discussed above, if we are going to stay at the 76.5%, the appropriate square size is 2.28″ (for a 1.75″ base diameter of the king).

This means that if you are going for a standard size with the king (which will have a base diameter of 1.75″) then you should choose a chessboard that has a square size of between 2.25″ and 2.28″.

Here in chessbazaar we have many chess boards that have the given ratios, an example of this is the Wooden Chess Board Ebony Sheesham Wood 21.8″ – 60 mm which would be a good pair for most piece sizes.

Wooden Chess Board from chessbazaar

If you are looking for an actual pair though we have Reproduced 1849 Original Staunton Pattern Chess Pieces in Ebony / Antiqued Boxwood – 4.5″ King which should go well with the veneered luxury chessboard mentioned above.

1849 Original Staunton Pattern Chess Pieces in Ebony and Antiqued Boxwood

A less expensive option for the standard tournament board size would be this FOLDING CARDBOARD 19″ CHESS BOARD WITH NOTATIONS IN BROWN AND OFF WHITE SQUARE – 55MM SQUARE which has basically a similar size yet is way inexpensive.

Chessbazaar Folding Chessboard

A good pair for the folding (cardboard) chessboard is this Tournament Series Staunton Chess Pieces with German Knight in Sheesham & Box Wood – 3.75″ King which would have the right size that follows most tournament standards.

Chessbazaar Tournament Series Staunton Chess Pieces

There are many examples of the standard size pair since it is the most popular size for consumers, finding the piece/chess board combination that is more on the unusual side is quite difficult.

Also Read: Want to relax? Try Chess

King’s Base Diameter-Square Size can Change Depending on Preference

It is important to note that the measurements performed above are those within standard evaluations, however, some players prefer having their chessboard to be too small/too large for the size of the king.

In these cases the formula can easily be adjusted to your preferred percentage (just replace the 76.5% to the percentage of your liking).

There are those that find it difficult to play with smaller pieces/board ratio primarily because of poor eyesight, these kinds of individuals prefer a bigger base diameter/square size ratio.

If you belong in this category then simply adjust the percentage (in the calculation) to be higher in order to get a bigger piece/board ratio. If we are to take the standard King’s base diameter (1.75“) you can adjust it to 85% for example and have this calculation:

1.75″ ÷ 0.85 = 2.05″ square size. This ensures that the base diameter of the king covers at least 85% of the square which would make it appear bigger.

On the other hand, there are those that find playing with bigger pieces quite distracting so they would prefer a smaller piece/board ratio.

If you belong in this category then simply adjust the percentage (in the calculation) to be lower in order to get a lower piece/board ratio. If we are to take the standard King’s base diameter (1.75″) you can adjust it to 65% for example and have this calculation:

1.75″ ÷ 0.65 = 2.69” square size. This ensures that the base diameter of the king covers at least 65% of the square which would make it appear smaller.

In the market, it will be challenging to find these combination pairs since it is not really something that is often wanted by consumers, if you prefer a custom size you need to buy the piece and the chessboard separately.

Here in chessbazaar we have the categorization that makes it easier for consumers to find the right size as well as other factors like price, rating, and stock. Just click the product you prefer and you will see this categorization.

This way it will be significantly faster to find your preferred piece size and chessboard size taking away all the hassle in the process, it will ensure that you also have a quality product as well.

You can experiment in whatever way that you want as long as you follow this calculation, you can find the appropriate chessboard just by looking at the king’s base diameter through this method.

Our Wooden Chess Board Dark Brown Indian Rosewood 21″ – 55 mm

Final Thoughts

There are definitely many methodologies that you can implement to find the right chess board size for a specific piece size, however, the base diameter is simply the best metric that can be used to solve this.

There are many defective products that have the appropriate height yet not the appropriate base diameter, which is the most important since it determines how the pieces look when placed on the chessboard.

By using the calculation presented in this article (King’s base diameter ÷ desired square size percentage) you can accurately tell which chessboard size is appropriate for your pieces.

The size of the king is usually proportional to the size of the remaining pieces, so this is going to be applicable to all other pieces and not just the king. That is all, thank you for reading.

Chess is one of the oldest games known to mankind. Chess players are very passionate about their game and are always curious to know every single trick or rule that can improve their game. Chess rules are few but they can get really complex.

Along with using strategies to play chess, it is also equally important to have the correct positions of the chess pieces at the beginning of the game.

A chessboard is a kind of checkerboard and consists of 64 squares (eight rows and eight columns) and 32 pieces. These squares are arranged in two alternating colors (light and dark). Environment-friendly wooden chess boards that we offer to our customers at chessbazaar use genuine woods.

Material varies widely in making chess boards. Plastic and cardboard chessboards are basically used for low-level games. For high level or for professional games only wooden chess boards are used.

The first and foremost rule in start of game of chess is the placement of the chessboard. Now it’s time to set your beautiful wooden chessboard with meticulously hand-carved wooden chess pieces right. Let’s get started.

Get started with these simple steps:

  • Set the board and make sure that the bottom right square is a white square. If your board has algebraic notations on it make sure that ‘1’ is nearest to white and ‘8’ is nearest to Black. The ‘h’ letter should be on White’s right.
Chess Board with coordinates
  • Place a rook/castle on each of the two corners.
Placement of Rook/Castle on each of the two corners.
  • Place a knight on the inside of the rooks/castles.
Placing a knight on the inside of the rooks/castles.
  • Now set your bishops to the inside of the knights.
Bishops Placement at Chessboard
  • Then place your queens on the matching color square. Queen is a second most important piece in chess after the king. But always remember that the queen always sits in the color of its square. So the light colored square will have white queen and the black Queen has to be placed in a dark square of the board (A lady always wants to wear matching shoes with her dress). Queen Side of the board’ is the left side of the board, where both queens are placed.
Placing different chess pieces on a chess board
  • Now place your King on the last square left. King side of the board’ is the right side of the board, where both kings are placed.
King placement at the chess board
  • Place all the pawns on the front squares, so that they can declare the war.
Pawns placement at chess boards

All chess pieces have different points to indicate how valuable they are and if you want to play for chess tournaments, it is also important to learn the points that each chess piece is worth of and the points of some possible combinations. Let’s have a look –

Chess Pieces with Names and Points by Chessbazaar

The person with the white side pieces always begins the game. The Game is all about saving the King, so the King carries infinite value. The interesting rule of the game is that the King can never be captured and if he is in danger then he must move to a safe place or another chess piece must make him safe. If he cannot reach in the safe zone then the game is over.

Also Read: 6 Tips to Choose the Best Chess Board for Your Need


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