Not just one but there are many ways to play chess!
Chess can be played with different formats and rules. Each format may differ in terms of time or standard positions or standard powers. Many create their own version of chess by altering the standards ( prescribed time or positions) accordingly to make the game more thrilling and exciting.
Today, We will discuss variants of chess played in the world. Let’s Go!

What the world usually plays!
A game where the projected duration of the entire game is either equal to 15 minutes or more.
Time: 15 minutes or more
Untimed chess games are those in which chess clocks are not used so basically the start time is zero. The opponents can take as much time as they want to play the move. These are usually unrated games.
Longest chess game played?
20 hours and 15 minutes
The longest tournament chess game (in terms of moves) ever to be played was Nikolić–Arsović, Belgrade 1989, which lasted for 269 moves and took 20 hours and 15 minutes to complete a drawn game.

Wild chess games are different from other types as they do not commence with the standard positions. In these games pieces are kept on non-standard positions, in addition, chess pieces are also rated in a different manner.

A variant of a wild chess game is that the white chessmen on the chess board are set up in the traditional positions, but the position of black king and queen is interchanged.
A game that will surely produce a result, and will not end up in a draw, even if it does it means that the Black wins as the rule is the draw will mean black’s victory. To balance the advantage of the black side, White chess pieces have more time on the clock.
Type of chess game in which different rules apply for each of the two players.
Regular standardized times are six minutes for White and five for Black, or five minutes for White and four for Black. This can also be played with a small increment/decrement in the time frame.
2019’s world Rapid Chess Championship held in Moscow, Russia each player received 15 minutes for the entire game. Plus a 10 seconds increment starting from move 1.
India’s Humpy Koneru won the women’s title after beating Lei Tingjie of China in a blitz playoff. Magnus Carlsen, the living legend, won the men’s title.

Time: 10 minutes or more.
The time allowed in this type of chess is 5 minutes or less per side. Three minutes with a two-second increment is also preferred because of the introduction of digital clocks.
Time: 5 minutes
This is called “time odds” and it is used in various tie breaks for quick tournaments.
Time: 3 minutes or less
1) The time limit between moves shall be ten seconds.
2) Where a buzzer is used, each player on his turn to move shall move immediately the buzzer sounds – not before or after.
3) A move must be completed before the buzzer ceases to sound or the time on the clock expires.
The fastest type of chess game. A player has to wait 10 seconds to make a move. This pause creates a different rhythm of the play and makes it different from Bullet or Blitz.
This type of gameplay needs experience, focus & speed.
Time: 1 minute
Other time control options for bullet games include 2 minutes with a one-second increment.
Time: 1-2 minutes
Also Read: Why do you play chess? By Conrad Conero