Committed to the Environment
Just like you and everyone else, we are equally concerned about the use of wood based products and its implications on our environment. That is why we make sure that the wood used in our products is procured from sustainably managed sources only. All our suppliers have to issue us proper sales receipts for each sale thereby making their purchase of wood/inputs accountable. We only use wood procured by legal means from Government of India certified vendors which means for every tree felled, the Government makes sure a fair number of trees are planted back without contributing in deforestation.

Harmful toxins don't belong to our products and processes
Making these handcarved chess sets is a labor intensive job and does not require big diesel guzzling machinery. The artisans work on small electricity run lathe machines and therefore this industry is in no way contributing to any green house gases. No dyes, paints or any kind of chemicals are used in pre and post manufacture processes making chess sets a very green product. This is the reason they are safe for infants and kids.

Our Efforts
Our chessbazaar office in Mohali, PB India use only LED lights; we switch off electrical appliances when not in use. We conserve water as much as possible. We print only when it is utmost important. We have made a small effort in afforestaion by planting over 500 trees in and around our offices.